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"Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much." – Helen Keller


Gatlin Fenwick, Chief Appraiser

Wisconsin Certified General Appraiser. Hawaii Certified General Appraiser. Indiana Certified General Appraiser. Minnesota Certified General Appraiser. Gatlin Fenwick founded PARE Consultants in 2007. He serves clients across the USA, including the satellite states of Alaska and Hawaii. His professional coursework for primary and continuing education was obtained through the institutions of Madison College, University of Wisconsin-Madison, the Appraisal Institute and the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers. As a consulting appraiser, Gatlin has served as an expert witness for court cases throughout multiple districts in Wisconsin for cases involving eminent domain, foreclosure, bankruptcy, disputes and divorces. See Resume.



Wisconsin Certified General Appraiser no. 2702-10. At PARE Consultants, Mr. Sorbel is the loyal and synergetic Vice President. He executes a collaborative approach that encourages the company to work as one efficient team where open communication, holistic attention to detail and individual creativity come together to manifest a proud product worthy of the PARE Consultant’s brand. Jeremy was educated by the University of Minnesota, College of Design, School of Architecture and holds three Bachelor’s degrees in Environmental Design with emphasis in Urban planning, Architecture and Sustainability Studies. Appraising residential and commercial real estate in Wisconsin since 2019, with specialties in the markets of office/retail, hospitality, and multifamily property.



Wisconsin Certified General Appraiser no. 2703-10. Mr. Hasheider is responsible for conducting property inspections, descriptive writing, financial analysis, property sketching, GIS mapping and aerial drone photography/videography. Ross is a considerate leader who takes thoughtful care of his responsibilities. He takes pride in his contribution to the team and appreciates the chance to add value to all PARE products. Ross received his Bachelor’s of Business Administration, majoring in Finance and Human Resources from UW-Whitewater, and he is diligently seeking his Certified General Appraiser’s license. Ross has been appraising a wide range of unique, distressed, and high-end residential and commercial valuations throughout southern Wisconsin since 2020. Appraising for financing, estate and divorce settlements.


As Geographic Information Systems leader and programmer, Brandon maintains a set of tools used to conduct more accurate, more efficient market analyses and valuations. His attention to process detail allows him to accomplish any map-driven assignment, and is always up for a good challenge of his skillset. He earned his Bachelors of Science in Geography from UW-La Crosse, and his Masters of Science from the University of Idaho, also majoring in Geography. Brandon specializes in property evaluation for all property types, market analysis, data mining and information management.


Appraising residential and commercial real estate in Wisconsin since 2008. Brandon is experienced in specialties of lakefront property, new construction, multifamily and urban properties. Experience serving as an expert witness in Wisconsin Circuit Court. Graduate of UW-Madison.

JADE SORBEL, Head of Security

At PARE Consultants, Ms. Jade Sorbel heads up the security department. As trained by the Institute for Dogs that Need Service People, Jade welcomes each employee and visitor with a swift wag of the tail and sometimes a friendly bark. Jade enjoys eating bones, laying on one of her three office pillows, and drinking fresh spring water. Jade holds an official designation as a Service Dog and she has the outfit to prove it.

